The second assignment of Architecture Design Studio 1 (2010/2011) is to design/redevelop a bicycle shelter in the Syahdan campus, which now also serves as the same function (bicycle park). The area of the project will be around 50 sqm, 1 storey height and consists of 1 mass.
Students will produce report & drawings;
1. Site Analysis
2. Design Concept
3. Site Plan (scale 1:100)
4. Plan (scale 1:50)
5. Elevations (scale 1:50)
6. Sections (scale 1:50)
7. Perspectives
The submission of the drawings is on week 12
Students also will produce model (scale 1:25), and it will be submitted on week 13
The final presentation (pleno) of the project 02, will be held at week 13, starts at 07.30 AM.